Tag Archives: two week wait

Dried up

Ok, let me begin by saying a huge thank you to all the lovely messages of concern I got from readers and distant friends. If you look to your right you’ll see i have added a blogroll of all you lovelies who support A and i through this. It’s amazing how helpful the sharing of […]

IVF: CD20 ( ? losing count a bit)

Hey there, so where are we? it’s the 26th and I had my transfer on the 20th. They had been cooking for 4 days so I am currently 6DP 4DT. (6days post 4-day-transfer). How am I feeling? Well you’ll be glad to know that any tenderness and soreness from the EC procedure (or the other […]

IVF CD 16 – feeling blue.

well, it’s day two of the 2ww and I am already going mental. I have been trying to lie down to compensate for going to work (though really not too strenuous). That’s meant that this evening and yesterday evening I spent more than 7 hours lying down watching TV. That in itself is enough to start an active girl […]

IVF CD15(?) the dreaded 2WW begins

I am having my morning off, post embryo transfer. I feel fine, dr. replaced three. Trying not to get over excited because the chances are 50-50. One thing to note though (see picture below) was that one embryo did ‘early something’, and was already a blastocyst..! so dr said that was very good. It’s the […]